Thursday, February 28, 2008

Late night surfin' .........

So there I was, realizing that I haven't posted much here as of late, so I thought I'd play with some different keywords and do some Googling and see what came up. Came across alot of somewhat interesting websites, and saved tham for another day maybe.
I did find an online manual dealing with (I just skimmed it to get an idea of what it was related to) what appears to be a piece of computer equipment involved with streaming audio files in a high quality manner. Or as it says on the cover page "Audio Streaming Encoder for Windows® 2000 / XP / 2003 Server." But what caught my eye was, the dedication of it in the forward:

Several years ago, one of the most successful radio stations in North America was CKLW in Windsor/Detroit. Innovative, technically superb audio complemented “The Big 8”’s excellent execution of their Top 40 program format to give the station a big signature sound that I have never forgotten. Its striving for perfection has been an inspiration and has influenced the goals, designs, and sounds of many Orban Optimod products to this day.
If it weren’t for CKLW’s innovative audio texture and the chances that it took to expose the world to many great artists, these discoveries would never have become part of the radio and music history that they now are. Just as many of these great artists have moved on from creating hit music to fusing their old styles with newer forms such as smooth jazz, Orban is evolving by giving the world new viable broadcast technology that build on its legacy.
I dedicate this technical manual to CKLW and those who made it the reality it once was, and to Leo, my faithful dog, who was beside me, night after night and day after day in the long process of preparing this document.
As the world moves on embracing innovative ways to deliver audio to an audience,
“ladies and gentlemen, the beat goes on…” – Bill Drake, radio programmer

– Greg J. Ogonowski

CKLW's impact still being felt today, in many ways.

The manual can be found here for those of you who might have an interest in this area.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Great web site you have!!!

Growing up in Monroe we could only get about 3 radio stations.

Honey radio it was like 560 or 580 on the dial playing the oldies(for some reason they only played during daytime), WJR for sports (Tiger games mostly), and CKLW for current music.

Most of the cars back then only had AM radios so CKLW was our top choice when cruising around. The Big 8 was King in Monroe.... That signal couldn't be beat.... Came in loud and strong and sounded great. I remember my parents had an Oldsmobile 98 convertible that had reverb and speaker in the center of the back seat. We thought that was coolest thing ever. I remember owning the CKLW Gold record with J. Frank Wilson's Last Kiss on it playing it to death..